Monday, February 20, 2012

Redrawing the Lines

M's current art project: Lady Jane
After my post on homeschooling, I got a robocall from our school last night. Due to being 500 students over capacity they are redrawing the zoning lines. We won't find out until next Tuesday what this means for us.
Even though I am a firm believer in public schools, I am extremely controlling when it comes to picking out which public school I want my kids to be in. This is usually the first criteria we have when choosing a house. Unfortunately, not all public schools are created equally, so it takes some homework to figure out which ones are the best fit for our family. I look at the test scores, class offerings, athletics, and any other information I can get my hands on. is a good resource and most realtors have up-to-date statistics as well.

In South Carolina we were redistricted at the middle school level and squeezed into our elementary zone three weeks before an enrollment freeze went into effect. In Alabama I used the parental choice option to take Mr. C to an elementary school that was out of our zone. Here, we purposely bought a house in the neighborhood right behind the school we wanted to be in. However, that does not guarantee we will be able to stay. I have heard rumors that the middle schoolers will be taken out and our school will become a 9-12 high school (right now it is 6-12). I think M will get to stay, but we won't know anything for sure for another week.


Lady Jane said...

I was curious why M called the art project Lady Jane. Does she know that's what Granny called me when I was in trouble? Of course, she is also a Lady Jane--and frequently should be called that! Ha!!

m.e. said...

She is calling herself that, and says she is named after you! Which is true of course!

I wanted to make an amendment to this post. We have never been "redistricted" but we have been "rezoned". Also I took C to a different "district" in Alabama, not "zone".