Friday, February 3, 2012

Ground Breaking

I did some of the home improvement that Hubby approves of; the free kind. We had a huge flower bed, sans flowers, blocking the front door. Even though we don't walk through the yard up to the door, I felt like I was stuck behind a "wall". So I moved the (heavy) stone border around to reconfigure the flower bed next to the driveway. I also used a snow shovel to move all that mulch into the new area.
 While I was at it, I cleaned up the edge next to the driveway where the monkey grass was taking over. In some spots I recovered 3 feet of driveway from the overgrowth! I transplanted the monkey grass around the outside of the stone border. I didn't quite finish, but I can hardly move today.
Notice the nice weather we had on Groundhog Day. If this is the kind of "winter weather" we can expect for the next 6 weeks, then I can live with that!


Lady Jane said...

Reading this made my back hurt!

m.e. said...

Amen! And today was my "cleaning day" so I had to get up and do 7 loads of laundry, clean the bathrooms, take the recycling to the center, and mop the floors. Thank goodness for ibuprofen, and pinot noir! (The medicine is for while I'm working, the wine is what I'm looking forward to after I bake some chicken and mash some potatoes.)