Sunday, February 12, 2012


What did we ever do before computers?
Here Mr. C teaches his dad how to play the newest, most addictive game for middle schoolers, Paintball 2.
Here is M doing her homework and studying for the ACT. She took the test again yesterday morning. Then she went to study for an AP test at a friend's house. Afterwards a group of them went out to see a horrible movie together. I'm so happy she is starting to try to fit in and making friends. Of course she is still planning on going to the prom in Alabama, so she hasn't cut any ties there.
Boy did it get cold!!! The windchill last night and this morning has been 11. Yikes!


Lady Jane said...

Not that the rest isn't interesting, but what was the yucky movie?

Also, what we really need--another addictive computer game. However, I think I hate Facebook more.

m.e. said...

The movie was Chronicle. I don't even know what it's about.