Friday, December 23, 2011


This is a feature of our new house that I was super excited about. We have never had a wood-burning fireplace and I was really looking forward to the smell of it in the winter.

Our house inspector couldn't get the damper open so we had the buyers get it cleaned and inspected. He found a crack in the chimney, making it inoperable.

The sellers offered to either give us the money to fix it, or put in a gas log. It was a tough choice but we went with the gas log. This way it will be done before we move in and we won't procrastinate on fixing it.

Hubby did talk to the man doing the work and told him not to cut the damper, so we can convert it back to wood in the future if we want. It gives us one more project to think about for the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fireplace looks great and yes, you are going to love it, even if it's gas!
