Monday, November 21, 2011

Odds and Ends

There is a lot going on here. The big thing is that Smarty is home for the week. Yeah! I would put a picture of her on here, but it would be her sleeping and she probably wouldn't appreciate that.
These two have gone off to Atlanta today, to tour Georgia Tech. M is pretty sure she doesn't want to go there, but she was invited for a female technology day and I thought it would be a good experience to see the campus.
This is what my camera looks like. The battery door doesn't stay shut, so I've fixed it with a rubberband. How ingenious. Maybe I should go to Georgia Tech. I am so whiny about my camera because I started a new blog and am very irritated with the quality (lack thereof) of my pictures. I'm sure there are more important things.
Oh, and I should probably mention that we bought a house. Here it is. We will close on it, January 5th. We have already put our 60 day notice in to the apartment complex! This house is in our very favorite neighborhood. So while we won't be building and getting mountain views, we will live in a great area--lots of kids, nice neighbors, pool, close to school.

That about does it for now. Since we are heading to Indiana for Thanksgiving, I'll probably take a break from this blog for awhile.

1 comment:

Jen said...

YEAH! (except for the camera thing)