Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekend Cocktail

This weekend we went to Chattanooga. By we I mean Hubby, Mr. C, and me. Marvelous spent the day with a friend and Smarty had lots of homework. If you've never been to Chattanooga then I hope you enjoy these pictures. If you've been there yourself, I'm sure you won't mind revisiting such an amazing place.
This is a pedestrian bridge (disregard the golf cart) crossing the Tennessee River. The Delta Queen can be seen in the river.

This is a view of the Tennessee Aquarium from the pedestrian bridge. There is a funky fountain that empties into the river.
Hubby and Mr. C relax in the shade at Coolidge Park in North Chattanooga. It was surprisingly warm for November.

Mr. C sits atop a turtle fountain. The animal fountains would come on at random intervals. As soon as Mr. C climbed down and walked in front of the turtle, it sprayed him. He dried out pretty quickly.
One of the things I love about Chattanooga is the unique architecture, sculptures, and urban design. This is a stairway. Notice how the handicap ramp is woven into the steps.

I think this is where the Trail of Tears began. I would have to do some research to be positive. The water starts by flowing out of the wall at the top of the stairs and then continuing to run down to the river (remember the fountain in the first picture?). The mosaics on the wall are Native American designs and there are inscriptions on the sidewalk explaining the symbolism of each one. You can walk in the water, but not if your mom tells you it's too cold!

We left the enchanting city and returned home. Later that night some of the neighbor boys decided to "confetti" our yard. This involves spreading cut up toilet paper, index cards, and notebook paper around the yard. I'm soooo glad we live here (extreme sarcasm here). When can we go back to Chattanooga?!?

Sunday was Mr. C's first time to serve as an acolyte at church. I thought it would be tacky to take a picture in church, so you'll just have to imagine him in his white robe and carrying the torch to light the candles.

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