Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend Cocktail

I am doing my monthly hair coloring. The box instructs to leave hair color on roots for 20 minutes or 30 minutes for resistant grays. It doesn't say how long to leave it on shockingly premature white hair. I've said I will stop coloring my hair when Mr. C goes to college. Just think how fried my brain will be in eight years from all these chemicals. So I've got 30 minutes to recap the weekend.

We found a neighborhood that did trick-or-treating, so Mr. C suited up on Saturday to get some more candy. It reminded me of the neighborhood where I grew up. Not every house had a light on, but most did. I was somewhat concerned by the house where several adults were sitting outside at what appeared to be the kitchen table. The table was littered with several beer bottles, mostly empty. They were thrilled to see "Earl" and wanted to know where "Randy" was. I was afraid they might offer Mr. C a beer, but they just gave hime a handful of candy. At another house they were so tickled by his costume they got out cell phones and took his picture. I thought it was nice of them to ask me first if they could photograph him.

S wrapped up the Narnia play this weekend. We went to see her Saturday afternoon. It was a very nice production, especially considering we live in such a small, remote area. The poster shows the actual kids who were in the play here. The lion in the play didn't look so realistic. But well done all around.

Talladega was this weekend. Traffic comes to a standstill in our tiny town after the race as everyone is trying to get back to the interstate. We live eight miles south of the interstate and the race track is 25 miles south of the interstate, so anyone from up north has to pass by us to get to the track. It was a huge mess trying to get across the bridge to church Sunday evening. I would have skipped it, but it was our week to cook supper for the youth.

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