Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Change of the Seasons

This time of year I switch the clothes around. When you have growing children this involves not only putting up shorts and T-shirts, but also getting rid of things that no longer fit. About a month ago I cleaned out Mr. C's old clothes and sent them north to my nephew, Boisterous. All of sudden, Mr. C didn't have any clothes and I was looking at an expensive trip to the mall. Then one day our neighbor across the street started sending her son over with loads of his old clothes. Now Mr. C's closet is full to overflowing and it didn't cost a thing. Don't you just love it when good things happen unexpectedly?

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

I'm sorry if I messed up your color design--maybe I was still spinning from partying in the elephant's ass. (Just kidding, at least some.) However, the green is easier on the eyes.