Sunday, August 18, 2013

There Goes the Second Bird

Yesterday was a big day. It was S's 20th birthday(!!!) and it was move-in day at UT for M.
M's day started with breakfast with friends. One last pic with V.

We drove two cars stuffed with M's belongings to help her get settled in. Her room is set up like a suite. Here is a link to the floor plan because I can't describe it very well. It is pretty unusual the way the shower and toilet are right inside the door. All her roommates seem very nice.
When we finally got to the dorm, after several wrong turns and about an hour in line with all the other families, it was jam-packed. Dads setting up new TVs and building shelving units, moms and siblings navigating the stairwell, girls decorating, local church groups with grocery carts transporting all our belongings up to the rooms. Everyone was super nice and helpful. By the time we finished unpacking and building a bench/shelf for the entry foyer, almost everyone had cleared out. Daddy told her she'd be okay. I told her she'd be better than okay.
It was a quiet ride home.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

I'm sure it was an emotional day all around. I know it was tough when my mom and dad dropped me off for my first day of college.