Saturday, September 15, 2012

I Need Some of Her Energy

Just as I was sure that I would call it quits on teaching as soon as my assignment is up at the end of the semester, my marvelous daughter hits me with this bit of information:
Undergraduate dependents (under the age of 24) of officially certified or licensed full-time Tennessee Public School Teachers or  undergraduate  dependents (under the age of 24) of full-time or retired State of Tennessee Employees are eligible for a 25% discount on in-state maintenance charges. An original discount form must be submitted each term and is available in both locations of the Bursar's Office.
I looked up "maintenance charges" and found that they are what most people refer to as "in-state tuition".  UT considers tuition they money that out-of-state students pay on top of  "maintenance charges."

So I guess I will be back on the hunt for a job in January.

Speaking of Marvelous. She is. She is super busy with crew, school, a leadership class, and looking for scholarships. She is spearheading a card-making project at her school for the cancer kids at the hospital. She is going to deliver them on Tuesday and is excited to be going back to visit. I am, as always, amazed at how much she can get done. Today, on the one day she can sleep in, she organized an extra practice for her boat to improve their stroke and something-or-other. I still don't have all the terminology down. She must be working hard. Her hands are all blisters and we buy tape and band-aids in bulk now.

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