Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Little More

Vintage Mr. C--2010
I hear frustration from teachers everywhere I go. Standardized tests. UGG! Paperwork. UGG! Not being evaluated on your teaching, but on your students' scores. Quadruple UGG!

I don't know what the answer is. I know that we need to improve the overall education level of Americans. But I don't think there is anything the schools can do to fix it. That doesn't sound like it makes sense, but we need to look at society, not just schools. These kids don't show up every morning in a sealed cellophane wrapper. They have issues and backgrounds that affect their ability to learn in school. Nothing I can do can put them all on a level playing field.

In theory I like the idea of putting together a binder of artifacts to prove that I am teaching my students. In reality, it is difficult to find the time to put together something that I feel is a thorough representation of what I do. Speaking of time. I received an email Monday night that we would begin SAT10 testing on Thursday. Tuesday was Open House and we put up all kinds of student work. I spent today covering all my walls with paper, removing nameplates from desks, rearranging the room so they will be separated, and giving them instructions on how to fill in a bubble without any practice materials (this is their first standardized test so they have never bubbled).

Today before they went home six of my girls gave me a giant bear hug. I really needed that. They are great and they like to learn. They can all count to 120, know that there are 4 oceans and 7 continents, and most of the time they play nice together. In short, they are pretty awesome!

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