Thursday, May 24, 2012


Mr. C had a good time climbing the Big Rock. I haven't been out to take many pictures and barely any of the kids lately. I have to make a conscious effort to go out with my camera. When I do take it out I don't see anything worth photographing, and when I forget it I see all kinds of amazing things. Go figure.

Most of my time lately has been spent painting Mr. C's room. He helped with the roller but I wouldn't let him up on the stool. I will post some pictures when it is completed. The fireplace is almost done. The only thing left is the top trim piece. I guess since I am planning on living in this house for the next 20-25 years I'm not in any hurry to get things done. Plus I feel all the work a lot more now than I did years ago. When I feel like I just can't keep going I start singing the "Just put one foot in front of the other..." song from Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

Are you really getting that tired? How disheartening! I thought you'd be the one to keep this family moving. Go out and do something fun--something different.

Instead of putting one foot in front of the other, catch the wind and go sailing. Put some excitement in your life.

I saw a new line of Lady Jayne products. Great name for products, just poor spelling.