Saturday, November 18, 2017


Once you tear up that first piece of carpet you've committed to at least replacing the flooring. Once the walls and ceiling come down, you're all in. So here goes.
We've had some help from Caleb, but Eric has done the bulk of the work.
The brewery is going in the old wet bar area. There is already plumbing there so that is a bonus.
Flooring and the bar are gone.
Ceiling is down so that more supports can be added to take care of the upstairs floors creaking when you walk on them and to counter 40 years of settling.
Paneling is off the wall because paneling is just gross. And to make way for the new windows. Although this is a demolition picture, you can see the hardibacker down on the floor ready for the new travertine (sunroom) and ceramic tile (brewery).

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