Friday, February 20, 2015

Bird Watching

As I was sitting at the table, writing up lesson plans and wondering if we will ever go back to school so I can use them, I noticed hundreds of birds flying by the window and settling in the bushes and trees out back.
At first it was the familiar orange of the robins.
Then I noticed this guy. Look at the top middle.
Soon all the robins were replaced by cedar waxwings. Caleb and I watched and took pictures until something spooked them and they all took flight. This was only the second time I've seen a flock of cedar waxwings. Maybe they aren't too rare of a bird, but they are rare to me so this was an unexpected perk to being home for yet another day.

1 comment:

Scout Lady said...

I've only seen waxwings once. Right now I'm watching for the sandhill cranes.