Sunday, February 23, 2014

From the Mouths of Babes

I can't resist putting up another one of my students' "All About" books. When they were brainstorming ideas, this student insisted that he wanted to write about Life. I tried to get him to narrow it down a bit. After seeing the final product, I'm glad that he persisted with his original idea. One note about this student: he has a very hard time with fine motor skills and writing in particular. It takes a loooooong time to write any letters or numbers, so spelling is not something he is focused on. I corrected spelling on post-its, but he hasn't finished editing. I'll "translate".

"Sometimes you feel lonely. If a bully hits you, walk away and say 'Leave me alone.'"

"A word of advice. If you're close or something, never stop trying."

"Never panic, unless it costs 5 million. But in that case, save up."

"Life is not fair. It could be bad. It could be good."

"Life is hard. You gotta control it." Captions read: "Phase 1", "Phase 2" He wanted to add that Phase 1 was not under control and angry and that Phase 2 was under control and happy. I thought that would be too much writing in the picture.     

Maybe you're not impressed, but these are the moments that keep me going.

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