Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas is Coming!

Missing London
It is hard to get into the Christmas spirit when there is so much work to do. My little friend came back to class from the alternative school on Thursday and was suspended on Friday. It is what it is. Report cards are due the first day back in January, so I'm doing them this week so I won't have to think about it over break.

M has been home about a week. She can't drive any of our cars (VW leasing thing) so that's been unpleasant. However, she has enough friends that she's been able to get out and about some while we're all at school/work.  We are all watching Breaking Bad, and we are all on different episodes. Those further behind get upset when someone tells spoilers. Our family has very unusual bonding habits.

Mr. C is in desperate need of a haircut. Who has the time to take him? He got bubbles at the rowing Christmas party and is infatuated with them. He blows them all over the house, usually on Lizzie. He is sitting next to me right now blowing them at me.

Most of my shopping is done. Yay! There are still a few people I have to buy for, but our tree is pretty full. I would show you, but my camera has completely stopped taking photos and I don't like using my phone camera. The kids are at an age when they have a few, very specific items they want. It makes it easy to shop, but takes a little of the surprise out of Christmas morning.

Tomorrow we are going to see the Metropolitan Bells, which is a local handbell choir. I also am supposed to be staying at school for a PTA meeting, but I'll probably have to cut out of it early. Only a few more days and then I can sleep in!

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