Sunday, April 21, 2013


We didn't get away in this Bug this weekend. But wouldn't that be fun?! Hubby and I went to Bug-a-Palüza to look at all the old and not-so-old VWs. I also learned how to make the "ü" with my keyboard, so that is pretty cool too! Check out Chattanooga DP for some cool VW pics throughout the week. I'm thinking of printing the one from Monday as a poster and hanging it in the garage.

Mr. C didn't want to go look at cars. He did want to go shopping for new jeans and shirts. I can't believe how much he is growing! And eating everything in sight!

M went to Alabama this weekend. She came home sunburned from not wearing sunscreen at a soccer game. Her big news is that she got a job at Rembrandt's Coffee Shop. It is downtown in the Bluff View art district, right on the river. Super awesome!

We are busy, busy, busy for the next month. This week is TCAP testing for the big kids (including Mr. C), M's Senior Night, Mr. C's 13th birthday on Friday!, SAT10 testing next week for my kiddos, M's rowing regionals the first weekend in May, Mother's Day (ahhh, time to relax!), M's graduation the 17th (announcements are in the mail, whew), and school is out the 22nd for the kids and the 24th for me!!! If M advances to Nationals, that will be the first weekend in June. I have two conferences scheduled in June, so it really never ends. I'm going to try to keep up with both blogs in the meantime.

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