Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Everything is finally greening up. And there are areas of soft color where the dogwoods, redbuds, and forsythia are blooming. My azaleas have buds and are just today starting to open. Soon we will have a bright patch of pink along the front walk.

I feel like I've hit a brick wall. I should take a "mental health" day, but I just keep plowing on. I get done with one thing and along comes something else. Sometimes I get a strong urge to just leave. I wonder if everyone else feels that way or if I'm odd. On the way to work, I sometimes think I would just like to keep driving west as far as possible, as long as possible. No more deadlines. No more responsibilities. Why west? I'm rambling....

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've become an adult.

At least spring has sprung, and the days seem brighter. Let that brightness lift your spirits.