Sunday, March 3, 2013

Our Weekend Checklist

We've been busy little bees. A picture is worth a thousand words, or so the saying goes. So here are some pictures.
Painted the foyer this weekend, and cleaned the chandelier while I was up there.

Hubby filled in "the hole" and it is now ready for stain and a microwave. This is the "during" photo.
It's been snowing since Friday. We get about this much and then it melts. These are the iris that Mr. C planted with Grandma O last fall.
New Year's Resolution: check. Everything is organized and ready for work.


Lady Jane said...

If I only had once ounce of energy that you have, I'd be happy! Good work with the check list.

Lady Jane said...

I don't know how to edit that comment, but once should be one.

Jen said...

Where is your pile? My original one is gone too, but my space still doesn't look any better. Maybe I need some of your handy organizers. Like the yellow basket.

m.e. said...

The blue and green box holds hanging files. That is where most of the mess went. Organized!