Sunday, January 21, 2018


Probably the most exciting part of our project was opening up the windows.
As always, we have to start with the boring, but necessary, part of building the support. Here is the header.
With a little imagination you can start to see how it will look eventually.
This really doesn't have to do with the windows, but it was at this point that the ceiling was completed. We borrowed this nifty lift from one of Eric's co-workers who was glad to get it out of his house for awhile.
This is the only part of the project where we haven't been able to do the work ourselves. The company we ordered the windows from cut out the wall and installed the windows. What a difference this made!
I love these new windows! Almost everyone who has seen this picture asks if our remodel is on the second floor. Remember we live in the hills of Tennessee. The view from outside clears up this question.
From this shot you can clearly see that the sunroom is on the first floor. After this picture was taken, the windows were trimmed out identically to the one you see upstairs.
There's still a lot to be done, but with the windows installed I feel like we've made a lot of visible progress.

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