Saturday, December 16, 2017

Structural Support

To support the new construction and also just to counter 40 years of settling, Eric and Caleb added more beams under the house. It is about 4 times more sturdy than it needs to be now, but better safe than sorry.

Extra beams were added to every other support, to shore up the upstairs. Eric said this should have been done when the house was built. So this was just a needed repair.

Dividing the brewery from the sunroom.

Dividing the sunroom from the living room. The header is to support the wall over the new french doors. You can see them in the background.

I'm updating this very slowly. We are much further along at this time, but not as quick as I would like. I was hoping the sunroom would be complete by Christmas but that is not going to happen. Maybe by summer break.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

It looks like Caleb opted for the supervisor job. Youth--always wanting to start at the top!