Thursday, March 17, 2016

The "Oh, shit!" Moment

This is the moment of truth, when I discovered my dress was designed for a hunchback. Let the seam ripping and altering commence. This just keeps getting more and more fun.

But I really am enjoying it, in that it is a complete departure from my day to day work. 


Jen said...

Bummer! At least you know how to take it apart and alter it. By this time I would have thrown it on the floor and stomped on it.

Lady Jane said...

Do you still think of it as a $30 dress?

m.e. said...

I really don't mind, because the more I have to think about it the more I'm learning about sewing and how to make it all fit together. I get a sense of accomplishment from it, which I don't get when I hand a cashier my card and she swipes it for $230 and gives me a dress in return. I've always liked doing things with my hands. Hence all the home improvements over the years. I wanted to blog about the experience from start to finish to show that it's a process, not just show the final product and say, "Look what I did."

So I don't think it's a $30 dress any more. It's been a learning experience, which makes it priceless.