Friday, May 17, 2013

Best Quote Ever

The students at our school can earn Tiger Bucks for good behavior throughout the year. Those who earned 50 were rewarded with a trip to Rock City this week. Those who didn't, stayed at school.

The field trip was amazing! There was not one incident of tattling, pushing, cussing, or any of the other myriad of issues I deal with on a daily basis. I hadn't realized how wonderful most of my students are until I got them on their own, away from the few "squeaky wheels".

I have never been to Rock City, so I was excited to see the hoopla those red barns are all raving about. It's hard to describe Rock City if you haven't seen it for yourself. There are incredible natural formations mixed in with beautiful man-made stone structures, and a smattering of cheesy fairytale/ gnome decorations. It was perfect for my little urban dwellers. Along the trail were signs with quotes from famous people, like "The world laughs in flowers--Ralph Waldo Emerson." However, I have to say that the best quote of the day came from one of my girls. Walking along admiring the flowers and the large rock outcroppings, she exclaimed, "Nature is awesome!" Awesome indeed.

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