Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Practicing Optimism

Sometimes life can really get you down if you let it. I purposely look to the positive side of things when I feel like I could just start drowning in misery.

M has a problem with her right shoulder. Went in for an X-ray today and nothing was showing up. She will have an MRI next Wednesday. She could have irritations or a tear in some of the lining? of the shoulder joint. I can easily let my imagination run away and get upset about all the money. But I choose to just be thankful she is such a great girl. And there was life before rowing and there will be life if rowing is taken away. Just look at that picture above; it makes my heart happy.

We found out a few days ago that Grandma M. has pancreatic cancer. When I still had four grandparents in 2001, I thought they would all live forever. But in the past ten years I have lost three of them, and realize that no one can live forever. No one truly wants too though. Grandma M. told me that it is the ones who go first who are lucky. It's hard to be the one left. I remember Grandpa J. said every time he went out of town, one of his friends died and he always had to come back for a funeral. It was really hard on him. So I'm thankful for the amount of time and the quality of time that each of my grandparents had and that I had with them. (Boy, that's a confusing sentence!) They were each unique and important in who I am and how I view the world. I am a better person for knowing each of them and am blessed to have a part of them in me.

Our tenants moved out of our AL house and now the mortgage is all us. With my job ending in December and no idea if I'll find anything else I worry about finances. I don't know why. God has always taken care of us. Time have been tight before and we are not extravagant people, so we will be okay.

S is doing better. I won't put any details on here because I don't know who will read this. Just know that she has changed her major and when we saw her last weekend she seemed very happy. She says she is happy.

Try as hard as I can, I just can't find anything positive about all the time Mr. C spends on the computer.

1 comment:

MAWG said...

I get it