Monday, March 12, 2012

My Marvelous Girl

Well I said I wasn't going to post very often and here I am a few days later. We started the weekend off with a trip to Knoxville to tour the University of Tennessee. What a great school. Marvelous loved it and has said it is now her only choice, although Daddy and I think she needs to apply to a couple of other schools to have a back-up plan. Lessons learned from Big Sister.

The weekend ended up with a roller-blading crash that took out a neighbor's mailbox and damaged their car, an ambulance ride, and a short stay in the emergency room. What could have been a broken hip turned out to be a sprained tendon with deep bruising. We are just so happy that M is relatively okay. She has some powerful pain medication and an anti-inflammatory steroid to take over the next week. The medicine was making her throw-up yesterday, but she handled it better today. I tried to get her to stay home and off the hip today, but she insisted on going to school.

And in the middle of it all, Smarty got home for Spring Break. Welcome home!

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