Saturday, April 7, 2018

Window Cushions- Planning and Prepping

Since sewing is "my thing" there are quite a few pictures of the process of making the cushions. I'll have to separate it into two posts to get it all on here.
The first step was ordering the foam off the internet. It came in this tiny box and I was a little worried I had ordered the wrong thing. But when I opened it it popped out, like one of those snakes in a can. It was hilarious and got the project off to a fun start!
The foam cushions are covered with batting for extra softness.

I used newspaper to make a pattern. The whole project was something I found on Pinterest, only the one on there was a small two-foot cushion and mine are 7 1/2 feet and four feet.

The larger cushion wouldn't fit on the table, so I took over the floor. You can see the seam down the middle of the drop cloth I bought on Amazon. It was a little tricky to work around that seam and get all the fabric in solid pieces. This would be a good time to add that this was the second drop cloth I ordered. The first one I washed and dried, which is what I always do with fabric before I sew. Unfortunately, the drop cloth bleached out to a pinkish color and shrunk over 4 inches. I may use it to make art smocks for my kiddos at school.

Making the buttons was so satisfying. It is hard to imagine that it is going to work, and then you pop it out and it's a perfect fabric-covered button. I had to make 22 for the cushions and then I made two extra because I had them in the package. I may make pillows later.

Cute as a button!

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

It is cute as a button. You amaze me with what projects you will tackle.