Saturday, April 7, 2018

Window Cushions- Finishing

No pictures of the sewing or stuffing the cushions into the covering.
These cushions are supposed to be a French mattress style, so I started by sewing around all the edges to give it that "finished" look.

Next came the tufting. To make it easier to stitch through the cushion, I clamped it together after marking the front and back.

Using a large needle, made just for this purpose, and a leather thimble it wasn't too difficult to sew through the cushion. It was a little tricky to hit the mark on the back side.
Adding the buttons to the top was the last step before removing the boards. Those creases came out pretty quickly.

The large cushion finished. Ignore the windows here. This is before the trim was put in place.

This is the final effect. Actually in this picture the smaller cushion wasn't complete. Our local Jo-Ann's ran out of buttons, so I couldn't finish this until I bought more at another store over spring break. But you get the idea. They look a little hard, but they are very comfortable. I think in person they look better than here. For some reason it is always cloudy, rainy, or dark when I take pictures. This room really gets a lot of sun in the morning.

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