Thursday, August 22, 2013

And Even More Signs

These signs just make me chuckle. Silly. Some of them I liked the different wording than what you see here in the states. They're reminders of the differences in dialect and vocabulary we encountered while in the UK.
Nice of you to let us know.
Then why does so much of it end up on the sidewalk?
When was the last time you heard anyone use the word "whilst"?
They really do have all the amenities.
And if you use the above service, you will be looking for a place to change all your dirty nappies.
We only saw a few buggies and prams on the underground.
This is the only place I saw the word Loo. Usually they were WC or Toilets.
I want one of these for the front of my car!
I need to hang this one in my classroom.
This has got to be the most awesome security system! Although I don't think I'd like it in my house.
What the...? I'll just have a coffee please. (T would have ordered the neeps & tatties!)
And this was my favorite sign. I should get this on a T-shirt.

Well, that is but a small sampling of my sign collection. I was that crazy American taking photos of the warnings and adverts, while all the other tourists were focusing on the castles and cathedrals. I gotta be me, especially on vacation!

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

I wonder how the people there respond to our signs. It does add to one's vocabulary.