Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Professional

Last week Mr. Creativity informed me that he was going to become a professional diablo-er. He said it would take about a week. Well this is what it looks like so far.

He got a cheap diablo for Christmas and then used his own money to buy this one, which has a ball bearing. When I'm not taping him he can actually throw it in the air and catch it. I think the camera sends out vibes that make it impossible for him to catch it. He really is getting good, but I'm not sure I'd call him a professional yet.


Lady Jane said...

I'm glad to see that he is using this one outside. Those things are treacherous!

Jen said...

Impressive as is! Where can I get one, or two or three? :)

m.e. said...

World Market has them for $6, without a ball bearing. He found this one on-line for about $35.